Facultad de CC. Económicas y Empresariales
Logo Universidad CEU San Pablo
School of Economics and Business

Useful information

Useful information for students

Enrolment guide 22-23

The official enrolment period for renewal students is from 14 July at 12:00h to 20 July

Self-modification of enrolment will take place from 21 July via Intranet.

Royal Decree 1393/2007 of October 29, 2007, which establishes the organization of official university studies, establishes in Article 12, on guidelines for the design of graduate degrees, that these studies will conclude with the preparation and defense of a Final Bachelor's degree Project (TFG), which in the case of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration will consist of 6 credits and must be carried out in the final phase of the study plan and be oriented to the evaluation of competencies associated with the degree.

The TFG is a compulsory subject in all undergraduate studies. Its content will consist of an original, autonomous and individual work that each student will carry out under the guidance of a tutor, which will allow him/her to show in an integrated way the formative contents received and the acquired competences associated to the degree. The term original refers to the fact that in no case can it be a plagiarized work or a work previously presented by the student in any other subject, and it is not necessary that it is an unpublished work.


Choice of the TFG

The selection of the TFG will be done online.

The deadline for choosing the TFG will be from Tuesday, October 10 at 10:00 am to Tuesday, October 17 at 3:00 pm. 

In the file "Quick online registration guide" you will find the steps to follow to register for the TFG during this period. Through the application "TFG Registration", available on the student's Intranet, the process can be carried out. 

The student will have to indicate the set of preferences of the TFG topics of the degree in which he/she is enrolled. Beforehand, he/she must check his/her position in the ranking of the degree for which he/she is submitting the TFG (see the ranking lists according to degree: GAD, GMK, GNF, GIT). Thus, if a student occupies the last positions in the ranking, he/she will have to choose all the TFG offers available, and then order them according to his/her preferences. It is always advisable to select as many preferences as possible in order to guarantee enrollment (at least as many as the number of places the student has in the ranking).

In the file "TFG Topics and Tutors" you will find all the offers for this academic year 23-24. The papers shaded in blue are offered in Spanish and English.

The final work assigned to the student will be available on Thursday, October 19.

Relevant Dates

Ordinary call (23/24)

Submission of the Final Degree Project: May 9, 2023 until 13:00 hours. The submission will be done through a link that will be shared with the students enrolled in the TFG course and that you will also have available in Blackboard beforehand.

The pdf file will be coded as follows: LASTNAME1_LASTNAME2_FIRSTNAME_DEGREE
Where GRADO is the Bachelor's degree in which the student defends his/her TFG, which can be: GMK, GAD, GNF, GIT. 

If you have any doubt about the name of the Department to which your Director belongs, you can ask him/her directly. Public defense of the papers: May 23rd and 24th, 2024. Publication of pass/fail: May 28, 2024.


Extraordinary Call (23/24)

Submission of the Final Degree Project: June 19, 2023 until 13:00 hours. The submission will be done through a link that will be shared with the students enrolled in the course and that you will also have available in Blackboard beforehand.

The pdf file will be coded as follows: LASTNAME1_LASTNAME2_FIRSTNAME_DEGREE
Where GRADUATE is the Degree in which the student defends his/her TFG, which can be: GMK, GAD, GNF, GIT.

Public defense of the work: July 2 and 3, 2024.

Extraordinary End-of-Degree Call (September 2024)

Submission of the Final Degree Project: Monday, September 16, 2024 until 14:00 hours to the e-mail address [email protected] in pdf format.

The pdf file will be saved as follows: LASTNAME1_LASTNAME2_FIRSTNAME_XXX.pdf

Where XXX is the Degree in which the student defends his/her TFG, it can be: GMK, GAD, GNF, GIT.

Public defense of the work: Monday, September 23, 2024. The student will be notified by email.