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European Documentation Centre

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The European Documentation Centre (EDC) is an information resource centre about the European Union. It is part of the Europe Direct network of information centres created by the European Commission with the aim of providing information and documentation concerning the EU to all members of the university community as well institutions and citizens.

Universidad CEU San Pablo’s EDC was created 1995 for the following purposes:

  • To help the university to promote and consolidate teaching and researching in the field of European integration.
  • To provide the academic community with information on the Union and its policies.
  • To participate in the debate on the European Union with other European information networks.

The EDC works closely with the University Institute for European Studies at Universidad CEU San Pablo and is part of the FUSP’s library network (CEUNET).

If you need information related to the European Union, please fill in the following form, and we will send you relevant documentation.

If you cannot find a book you need in the catalog, or if you consider that more copies should be purchased, you can send us a request using the following online form.

European Documentation Center

M-F: 8:30h to 14h. and 15h to 20:30h.

Library collection

Access the digital content platform of the CEU Libraries. It has an extensive digital bibliographic collection, a large collection of popular magazines from a wide variety of disciplines, as well as national and international press.

EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) allows you to recover, through a unified search, the content subscribed by the CEU Librarys, data from repositories and open access portals, catalogs and indexes from other database providers.


Centro de documentación europea


Additionally to the usual library services, such as using a reading room and book loaning, we also offer:

  • Resolving queries about the EU, with individual attention.
  • Providing bibliographic information and specialised databases searching.
  • Selective dissemination of information and information warning.
  • Ellaborating a summary bulletin on magazines and book releases.
  • Updating the basic bibliography recommended by teaching staff and academics.
  • Training in information skills for students.

Within our mission to disseminate and communicate information about the European Union, at the EDC we encourage and participate in the debate around the EU through different communication tools, such as the centre’s website and social media.

EU promotional activities

Publications in which we participate

The CDE, together with other European information links of the Community of Madrid (REIMAD), has participated in the following publications:

The European Union Documentation Center of the Community of Madrid, in collaboration with the universities of Madrid, their European Documentation Centers and university professors, publishes annually the "Guide to European Union Policies".

The Guide contains updated information on the different areas of activity of the EU. It is a useful tool for university students, professionals, candidates, public employees and the general public in the knowledge of the activity of the European institutions.

The latest 2023 edition is available at the following link: 

(A Guide to the Lisbon Strategy) This guide goes over the reasons behind the 2005 review of the Lisbon Strategy, which led to the National Reform Plans. It sets out their objectives, their implementation and their execution.

(A Guide to the European Higher Education Area) It lists the objectives of the EHEA, which include adopting comparable and transferable qualifications systems, the new European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), encouraging mobility and integrated study, training and research programmes.

Subsidized Projects of the Community of Madrid

Logotipo de la comunidad de Madrid

Subsidized Projects of the Community of Madrid

The following projects have been developed in recent years thanks to the grant awarded by the Ministry of Presidency, Justice and Spokesperson of the Community of Madrid, aimed at universities in Madrid with European Documentation and Information Centers and whose purpose is to finance the development of information and dissemination projects of the European Union, of general interest to the Community of Madrid.

The aim of the project of the European Documentation Center of the Universidad CEU San Pablo is to convince university students of the added value for their professional and curricular development of participating in a mobility program, in particular in the Erasmus Program, whose thirtieth anniversary we are celebrating this year.

In this sense, we would like to emphasize that proactivity and dynamism in the search for employment are the basis for success and give title to our project.

The two activities designed are:

  • Micro-story Contest "30 years of the Erasmus Program".
  • Conference on employment and mobility in the EU

Micro-stories contest poster

We encourage students to participate in the short, original and unpublished story contest with Erasmus Programme as the main topic. We take as a reference an extracted piece from Sofia Corradi Speech in Carlos V European Award 2016 (Yuste, 9 May 2016, Europe Day)

The veredict took place on 13 April 2018 and the jury awarded the first place to a third year Business Administration and Management and Trade Management Degree (Grado en ADE y Marketing y Gestión Comercial) student Ana González Herrero, for her story "A vuelo de pájaro".

First year Law Degree (Grado en Derecho) and Exclusive Programme in EU Law (Título Propio en Jurídico-Comunitario) student José Zurera Jalón received the second place award for his story "30 de junio 2007: Despedida de la Dama de Hierro".

Special thanks were also given to Laura Martínez Molero, first year student of the Degree in Audiovisual Communication, School of Humanities and Communication Sciences (Grado en Comunicación Audiovisual, de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Comunicación), for her work as the illustrator of the edition of texts.


Erasmus-Coffee Meeting

In the Erasmus-Coffee Meeting, organised jointly by the European Documentation Centre and the International Mobility Office, students who enjoyed an Erasmus grant shared their experience with students who have not carried out the mobility yet and are thinking about it.

Erasmus Programme, whose thirtieth anniversary takes place this year, has allowed two million people from all fields to benefit from the opportunities it offers, such as study, internship or volunteering periods abroad; and the acquired experience that entails. During the last thirty years, a total of five million people have taken part in the programme. It brings Europeans closer, allowing them to learn, work and cooperate together. Thus, it encourages the search of common purposes, essential to the European Integration Project's success.

Round Table: 'The importance of international mobility in the private sector'

With the goal of highlighting the added value that a mobility programme provides in their professional and curricular development, Universidad CEU San Pablo European Documentation Centre organised the round table 'The importance of international mobililty in the private sector' ('La importancia de la movilidad internacional en el sector privado').

Speakers from different fields such as consultancy, business and think tanks, emphasised the life experience that an international stay provide, both for personal development and independence, as well as for language and adaptation skills. They also highlighted that it increases young people's employability, allowing them to improve their skills, experience and strengthen their self-confidence.

It had the participation of:

  • Carlos Carnero González, Fundación Alternativas Chief Executive
  • José Ignacio Cases,  Novadays Member
  • Ana Mangas, Esglobal Editor in Chief
  • Carlos Ruiz-Mateos, LLORENTE & CUENCA Public Affairs Department Manager

With the project "From Madrid to Europe: knowing the past, building the future", the European Documentation Center of the CEU-San Pablo University aims to inform university students in the Community of Madrid about the advantages of the European integration process during the 30 years of Spain's membership in the European Union, the job opportunities that the Union offers them for their professional future and the usefulness of having a network of specialized information centers in their own autonomous community, which helps them to learn about the European Union through training and information.

This project was developed thanks to the grant awarded by the Consejería de Presidencia, Justicia y Portavocía de la Comunidad de Madrid.

This grant has been allocated to universities in Madrid with European Documentation and Information Centers and its purpose is to finance the development of EU information and dissemination projects of general interest for the Community of Madrid.

In this case, the subsidized project consists of three main activities:

This project was an open call which required the submission of original work about the Spanish integration process in the European Community as well as the feelings, opportunities and social, political, technical and economic advances that the 30 years of Spanish presence in the EU have entailed for young people from Madrid. These projects would be used to create educational and/or informative material about those matters.

The jury awarded second year EU Law Degree (Grado en Derecho Jurídico Comunitario) students Paloma de la Hoz Moré, Andrea Gorris Galán and Cristina Higuero Márquez.

Ganadoras del concurso: "Madrid a Europa"

This project gives undergraduate students, preferably last year students, and graduate students the chance to attend to three transversal sessions where professional from different fields. These experts will provide them with  information on how to prepare themselves to work in the European market as well as how to take advantage of the programmes developed by the EU and its institutions.

The goal is to inform our students the challenges that working on an EU institution or in an international multilingual business environment entail, and to provide them with the necessary tools and support material.

The following topics were discussed:

'EU Job Opportunities: Consultancy, think tanks y private sector'

Opening and presentation: Ms. Amparo Lozano Maneiro. Universidad CEU San Pablo EU Law and International Advocacy Degree (Grado en Derecho Jurídico-comunitario y Abogacía Internacional) Coordinator.

Moderator: Mr. Javier Porras Belarra. Universidad CEU San Pablo EU Law and International Relations Teacher.

  • Mr. Pau Solanilla. Llorente y Cuenca General Manager for Cuba
  • Mr. Carlos Carnero. Fundación Alternativas Chief Executive. Eurodeputy (1994-2009)
  • Mr. Javier Valiente. Socio. Political Intelligence Manager.
  • Mr. José Ignacio Cases. Novadays General Manager and Co-funder.

Youth employment and mobility grants in the EU

Opening: Mr. Jesús Paúl Gutiérrez. Vice-rector for Universidad CEU San Pablo International Relations.

Moderator: Ms. Ascensión Gil Martín. Universidad CEU San Pablo European Documentation Centre Manager.

  • Ms. Katerina Fortún. European Comission, Regional and Urban Policy.
    • Talk: 'How does Europe invest in youth employment?' ('¿Cómo invierte Europa en empleo juvenil?')
  • Ms. Esther Calvo. EURES Madrid Adviser.
    • Talk: 'EURES and mobility in the European sphere' ('EURES y la movilidad en el ámbito europeo')

European public role: working in and for the EU

Opening and presentation: Ms. Teresa Frontán. Head of Communication, Partnerships and Networks of the EC in Spain y Ms. María Bellido Barrionuevo. Universidad CEU San Pablo General Secretary and Vice-rector for International Relations.

  • Mr. Enrique González Sánchez. Ambassador on Special Mission for relations with the EU (MAEC).
    • Talk: 'Job and training offer in EU Institutions, public statutory employment, other modalities of public employment and grants' ('Ofertas de empleo y formación en las Instituciones UE, el empleo público estatutario, otras modalidades de empleo público y becas')
  • Mr. Cesar Pla Barniol. Head of Support Unit of the Permanent Representation of Spain in the EU.
    • Talk: 'Different selection processes: calendars, stages and tests. The encouragement of Spanish citizens in EU Institutions' ('Los diferentes procesos de selección: Calendarios, fases y pruebas. El fomento de la presencia de españoles en las Instituciones de la UE')
  • Ms. Miriam Rodríguez. EPSO Laureate.
    • Talk: 'Participation in an EPSO selection process. Advice and good internships' ('La participación en un proceso de selección EPSO. Consejos y buenas prácticas')
  • Mr. Daniel Diez Cecilia. BecUE Member (Asoc. de Becarios Españoles en las Instituciones de la UE, Spanish Interns and ex-interns in EU Institutions Association)
    • Talk: 'Participation in an internship programme in EU institutions' ('La participación en un programa de prácticas en las Instituciones UE')

Editing of an informative video about the role of European Documentation Centres as information services of the European Union and its policies.

Logo Otra Mirada

The aim of this project is to encourage students, the academic community and the general public to discover and actively engage with the European cultural heritage, and thus strengthen the feeling of belonging to a common European space. Our aim is to bring the richness of this heritage to young university students, to get them involved in its conservation and to actively collaborate in its dissemination.

The activities and actions planned to meet this objective will be carried out under the same concept: culture as the basis of European identity. Young people must be aware of the threat posed by the ignorance of our heritage or what its deterioration, degradation or destruction of something irreplaceable means. Our heritage has a fundamental role in the construction of Europe's future.

The activities we will carry out will be:

What has been and is to this day the role of cultural heritage of an European identity? What is it to be European? What common values should future generations preserve and transmit? About this questions and others did the following attendees and experts discuss:

Mr. Antonio Garcia Maldonado, Llorente & Cuenca and Thinking Heads analyst and consultant, journalist and photographer Ms. Lupe de la Vallina, USP CEU Legal and Political Philosophy teacher Mr. Armando Zerolo and Royal University Institute for European Studies deputy director, Ms. Belén Becerril, who moderated the discussion. Topics such as the elements that define European culture, the existance or not of an European identity and whether diversity serve as a cohesive element among Europeans were discussed.

This discussion seeks to encourage young people to participate by giving them voice in order to share their view and complement it with the experiences and recomendations of expert participants. It also aims to strengthen the feeling of integration to a common European space and highlight the importance of our heritage's role in the construction of Europe's future, without forgetting young people's task to know it, protect it and pass it on.

With eyes set on the European elections of 26 May, the European Documentation Centre created, as informative material about the European Union, leaflets in plantable seed paper which handed to the attendees. It was an added appeal due to its original character and its eco-friendly and sustainable value.

Imagen del debate: “Identidad Cultural y Europa: Una conversación”

The European Documentation Centre has celebrated Europe Day in the Universidad CEU San Pablo with the debate: 'The importance of symbols: Conflagration of the Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris' ('La importancia de los iconos: incendio de la Catedral de Notre-Dame de Paris'). Writer Mr. León Arsenal and political expert Mr. Javier Santamarta del Pozo participated in the debate, which was moderated by EU Law and International Relations Teacher Mr. Javier Porras Belarra. This meeting, with high student attendance, underlined the belief that symbols help to forge an identity and are key to a strong European identity.

This activity, fit within the funded project by Comunidad de Madrid, has attempted to encourage students to discover and actively commit to the European cultural heritage and, in this way, strengthen the feeling of integration of a common European space.

In addition, the exhibition opened up, displaying the projects submitted to the graphic work and instagram contests (illustration, poster, drawing, photography...). The idea behind this is to show young people's creative view on European cultural heritage to the rest of the University community.

Finally, the Vice-Rector for Students and University Life, Ms. Mª Isabel Abradelo, bestowed the graphic work contest and the 'Another view of European cultural heritage' Instagram contest awards.

The winning-award students were:

  • Ángela Marta Ávila Peiró, Journalism, Advertising and Public International Relations second year student (Grado en Periodismo y Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas-Internacional)
  • Ana Quílez Torres, Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations  second year student (Grado en Periodismo y Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas)
  • Patricia Montalbán Peligro, Digital Communication, Advertising and Public Relations  second year student (Grado en Comunicación Digital, Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas)
  • Julia Macarena Cabada Genovés, Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations second year student (Grado en Periodismo y Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas)
  • Lucía Aróstegui Aguilar, Journalism and Advertising second year student (Grado en Periodismo y Publicidad)
  • Agustín Cottoreau, Physiotherapy second year student (internacional group)
  • Paula Feo Arias, Advertisinf and Public Relations third year student (Grado Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas)
  • Beatriz Moussa García, Digital Communication, Advertising and Public Relations second year student (Grado en Comunicación Digital + Publicidad y RRPP)
Entrega de premios "Día de Europa"

The entirety of these projects have been collected in a publication which draws attention to their contributions and will be added to their portfolios. It is an actual, innovative, key tool in the academic field, which gives students the chance to show their creativity, talent and, ultimately, their professional identity in a visual way. 

Logo de Europa, mañana

¿Cómo será la Europa en el futuro? ¿Permanecerá unida o haremos frente a la transformación en una serie países individuales cuya prioridad será la ventaja individual de sus habitantes?

What will Europe look like in the future, will it remain united or will we face the transformation into a series of individual countries whose priority will be the individual advantage of their inhabitants?

With these questions we hope that our project will encourage students, the academic community and the general public to commit themselves to achieving a safe and secure Europe, where all citizens can move freely; a prosperous and sustainable Europe with a strong single market; a social Europe, fighting unemployment, discrimination, social exclusion and poverty; and a stronger Europe on the international stage.

Our goal is to make our young university students active and committed members of a common European space.

All activities and actions planned to meet this objective will be carried out under the same concept: the future of a unified and inclusive Europe.

We invite our students to express their vision of what Europe they want and how they want to build it through the presentation of a graphic work, a photograph, illustration, advertising poster, drawing... which can be done with any manual technique (watercolor, marker, gouache, lettering, collage, etc.) or by order.

With more than 80 participants, of which 5 are the winners, a publication was subsequently published with all the works presented.


Technical Coordinator of the European Documentation Center

Ascensión Gil Martín

Ext. 15709

Rubén Bouzas Pérez

Ext. 15734

Gonzalo Suarez Valor

Ext. 15747

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