Jornada de Puertas Abiertas CEU San Pablo

Open Days

We look forward to seeing you on March 14th and 15th to learn more about our academic offer

Degree Programs

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Oferta formativa Master CEU San Pablo

See our Master's Degree offer

10 of our Masters in the TOP 5 of El Mundo 2023 Ranking

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Universidad CEU San Pablo in Madrid

Boost your career with academic excellence and values

CEU Views

Revista Views

CEU Views

CEU Views is a magazine that contains current issues, interviews, reports, news, articles and various content of interest to professionals, managers and entrepreneurs worldwide. Our team offers an in-depth, comprehensible and readable review of the most important topics of our educational institution, especially in the economic-business, scientific, cultural and research fields.

A trajectory that speaks for itself


Years of teaching tradition


Agreements with companies




Pprivate university in scholarships