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Scholarships & Financial Aid - Undergraduate Students

CEU Support for Students with Disabilities

Committed to ensure Equal Opportunities

At Universidad CEU San Pablo, we want to support and promote access to university education for people with disabilities. We work to promote their integration, to ensure that disability does not hinder their academic careers and to help in their subsequent integration into the labour market.

We offer programmes adapted to individual needs and we accompany students with disabilities in their academic and personal life through the Support Unit for Students with a Disability and Special Needs (AENE).

Our commitment

  • Listening and Welcoming: Through an individual interview to start working on a plan of personalised itinerary (PIP).
  • Counselling: with the technical and human resources necessary for you to make out the most out of your education time at University.
  • Curricular Adaptation: based on the needs of every student, that do not mean alterations in the development of competences in order to obtain the academic degree.
  • Accompanying: in continuous communication with you and your academic tutor to make sure that your plan is appropriate and that it’s being fulfilled.
  • Ensuring their integration in university life though SOU.
  • Boosting their professional development through the area Professional Careers.

CEU Merit 65 -100 and Support for Students with Disabilities Grants

The "CEU Merit 100 and 65 Disability" and "CEU Support for Students with Disabilities Scholarships" were created to promote the integration of people with disabilities in the University and to ensure that disability does not hinder their academic careers and to help in their subsequent integration into the labour market.

On the same level of equal opportunities, these scholarships are also aimed at students who present health situations, such as chronic illnesses, long diagnostic processes or circumstances that require periods of hospitalisation.

The Scholarship is complemented by the CEU Support Programme for Students with Disabilities and the personalised help offered by the Attention to Students with Special Educational Needs (AENE) service of the San Pablo CEU University.

  • Students with disabilities that have a level of disability equal or above 33 %.
  • Students that present health issues (chronic diseases, diagnostic process, periods of hospitalisation) who, because of their constraints, require specific measures of support for the monitoring of their studies.

Once it has passed the process of admission, you must attach in the Portal of the Future Students the documentation and issued by a competent body on the disability that motivates/justifies the application.

In the event of being awarded, you will obtain the definitive admission as soon as you pass the EvAU and you upload your qualifications to the Portal of the Future Student.

Single call:

Deadline for submission: June 10, 2024 at 23:59 hours.

Decision date: June 20, 2024

Further Information

University Wellbeing Service (SOU)