Biomedical Engineering + Telecommunication Systems Engineering
Logo Universidad CEU San Pablo

Dual Degree in  Biomedical Engineering + Telecommunication Systems Engineering

Leading technological innovation in two interrelated fields: connectivity and human health. High employability.

Contribute to solving people's health problems by using the possibilities offered by engineering

There are more and more synergies between engineering fields that are apparently very different. And the clear example is between Telecommunications Engineering and Biomedical Engineering. Both are essential in a society where connectivity, digitalization and medical advances are a fundamental part of economic development.

The Dual Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering and Telecommunications Engineering at Universidad CEU San Pablo takes full advantage of the union of both disciplines in five years, and is a pioneering degree in our country. These two engineering degrees share a common core of electronics, signal processing and computing, and are complemented by fields such as telemonitoring of patients, telecare, teleconsultation, management of the patient's electronic medical record, etc.

With this multidisciplinary profile, you will be able to tackle from the design of devices and programs created to solve problems in the health and communications sector to specializing in the design of prostheses, diagnostic tools, network development or research. The possibilities are endless. Engineers trained in these complementary disciplines have a great job projection.

To allow you to develop your career internationally, the Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Engineering is taught in progressive bilingual (English-Spanish) mode. In addition, we offer you the option of studying abroad, for example at the University of California at San Diego, in the top 10 of the world ranking. Do not hesitate and discover with this degree what academic excellence means.

Institute of Technology Brochure (spanish only)
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Official Name

Degree in Biomedical Engineering and Degree in Communications System Engineering


Institute of Technology




346.5 en itinerarios I y IV y 348 en itinerarios II y III ECTS


September 2025


Institute of Technology



Differential values

Why study the Dual Bachelor’s degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering and Biomedical Engineering at Universidad CEU San Pablo?

At Universidad CEU San Pablo, we have one goal: to provide you with comprehensive training in the application of the principles of engineering in both the field of life sciences and telecommunications. And to achieve this, we have the best resources and a teaching team of recognized prestige and extensive experience.

Valores Diferenciales

At Universidad CEU San Pablo, we have one goal: to provide you with comprehensive training in the application of the principles of engineering in both the field of life sciences and telecommunications. And to achieve this, we have the best resources and a teaching team of recognized prestige and extensive experience.

You will be able to integrate from the first year in real research projects. You will also work solving real problems in the world of biomedical engineering through subjects such as "projects", internships in companies or the final degree project.

Our goal is that when you finish your studies you will be able to work in international teams in Spain or anywhere in the world. To this end, this training is taught in progressive bilingual mode (Spanish with more than 50% of credits in English).

In addition, we encourage our students to take mobility abroad (Erasmus+ or through international agreements with the most prestigious universities in the world in this field such as California, Boston, etc.). We have agreements with more than 350 universities around the world so that you can live an international experience.

And we also offer you multiple options to internationalize your profile, such as participating in a COIL program with other foreign universities, learning new languages at the Language Center, specializing in an International Online Program (IOP) with Arizona University, and much more. 

You will be able to do two internships (one for each degree) in important entities of reference in the technology sector and in biotechnology companies, university hospitals and research centers. In addition, we have international internships, including U.S. companies through the University of California Riverside.

We provide all the resources for you to take advantage of learning. At the Institute of Technology we have laboratories for capacity assistance, biomedical instrumentation, bioengineering, digital fabrication, human anatomy, biochemistry and molecular biology, as well as robotics, electricity and energy, control engineering, automation and industrial robotics. In addition, we have the MIT Fab Lab, the Digital Fabrication Laboratory of Universidad CEU San Pablo, which is part of the worldwide network of laboratories of the Center for Bits and Atoms of the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

Our campus is integrated with the School of Pharmacy and the School of Medicine, the Institute of Applied Molecular Medicine and the Center of Excellence in Metabolomics and Bioanalysis, which allows students to be trained and integrated from the beginning in research projects in these centers.

At Universidad CEU San Pablo, we have a long tradition in engineering education and a proven research track record, which translates into hundreds of publications in indexed international journals, patents on medical equipment and cutting-edge research projects such as Exopowerup. You will have at your disposal the best team of professional professors with a long career in research and teaching.


The Institute of Technology has the most modern facilities dedicated to experimental and collaborative learning, and has laboratories, workshop classrooms, design and computer classrooms, virtual reality classrooms, common spaces and much more. Discover it.  

Taller de Arquitectura

Architecture Workshop

Laboratorio de Formas

Forms Laboratory





Laboratorio de Realidad Virtual

Virtual Reality Lab

Laboratorio de Electrónica

Electronics Laboratory



Instalaciones EPS - Exterior


Laboratorio de Estructuras - 1

Structures Laboratory

Laboratorio de Estructuras - 2

Structures Laboratory

Laboratorio de Estructuras 3

Structures Laboratory

Instalaciones EPS - PFC

Final projects



Instalaciones EPS - Zona de Estudio

Study Area

Instalaciones EPS - Biblioteca


Insatalaciones EPS - Hall


Instalaciones EPS - Aula Polivalente

Multipurpose Room

Instalaciones EPS - Papeleria


Instalaciones EPS - Sala de Formas

Shapes Room

Train for Cisco CCNA certification

Certificación CCNA de Cisco

Train for Cisco CCNA certification

We provide you with all the tools and exclusive material to prepare you to obtain the Cisco CCNA certification. Our school is Cisco NetworkIing Academy.

International Bilingual Program: get a differential professional profile

International Bilingual Programs

International Bilingual Program: get a differential professional profile

Can you imagine studying at a prestigious American university? With the International Bilingual Program you will be able to complete your studies with exclusive training in the United States. Upon completion, you will receive an official degree in Business Administration and Management, a Bilingual Program Diploma from Universidad CEU San Pablo and a certificate issued by Boston University.

Boston University (Business of Biotechnology & Biomedical Engineering)

The CEU-Boston University Program is aimed at students in the School of Pharmacy who want to understand the workings of business development models, capital acquisition, licensing and regulation faced by start-up companies. The program includes internships and at its completion allows you to earn a graduate certificate issued by Boston University: Advanced Graduate Certificate in International Business.

  • Rodrigo Enríquez Medina

    "Studying a Dual Bachelor’s degree involves a lot of effort and commitment. But when you go out into the working world, even before you finish your degree, you realize that you stand out from the rest and that studying at CEU was worth it."

    Rodrigo Enríquez Medina

    Student of the Dual Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering and Telecommunication Systems Engineering

University life

An unforgettable university experience

The university years are unique and are remembered for the rest of your life. At Universidad CEU San Pablo, we value the importance of this vital stage and we want you to be the protagonist of a memorable experience. That is why we offer you a multitude of activities and services so that you can make the most of your university years. 

Campus Life

We offer you a wide range of free activities on campus and outdoors such as hiking, Ninja Warriors, latest cultural proposals, urban dances, etc. 


Share your interests and concerns with other people in the clubs of eSports, Stock Exchange, Gastronomy, Debate, Fashion, Protocol... 

Professional Careers

A team of career advisors is available to advise you on all matters relating to your professional development. 

Support Program: University Wellbeing Service (SOU)

You have at your disposal a service of psychopedagogical counsellors who will support you in your personal development and academic performance.

Support: Buddy Program

Final year students bring their experience to make your first months at university easier.

Support: GPS Program

Receive mentoring from professors and professionals with solid personal and professional careers. In addition, you will receive master classes on the most in-demand skills in the market.  

Social engagement

It participates in development cooperation projects (national and international), social volunteering and donation campaigns to build a fairer society. 

Pastoral Guidance

Share your faith and take part in pilgrimages, spiritual exercises, celebration of the sacraments, conferences... 

Curso "Diseña TU Futuro"

Activa tu empleabilidad con el programa acelerador de empleabilidad Diseña Tu futuro. Conviértete en un experto en el mercado laboral y en el funcionamiento de las empresas.

We offer you a wide range of free activities on campus and outdoors such as hiking, Ninja Warriors, latest cultural proposals, urban dances, etc. 

Share your interests and concerns with other people in the clubs of eSports, Stock Exchange, Gastronomy, Debate, Fashion, Protocol... 

A team of career advisors is available to advise you on all matters relating to your professional development. 

You have at your disposal a service of psychopedagogical counsellors who will support you in your personal development and academic performance.

Final year students bring their experience to make your first months at university easier.

Receive mentoring from professors and professionals with solid personal and professional careers. In addition, you will receive master classes on the most in-demand skills in the market.  

It participates in development cooperation projects (national and international), social volunteering and donation campaigns to build a fairer society. 

Share your faith and take part in pilgrimages, spiritual exercises, celebration of the sacraments, conferences... 

Activa tu empleabilidad con el programa acelerador de empleabilidad Diseña Tu futuro. Conviértete en un experto en el mercado laboral y en el funcionamiento de las empresas.

Keep up to date with all CEU news on Social Media

We want to connect with you: in our social media you can keep up to date with the latest news of the University. You can find us at:

Also interesting for you


Biomedical Engineering

A degree than prepares you with a progressive bilingual program so that you can work in biomedicine anywhere in the world.


Computer Engineering

El Grado en Ingeniería de Sistemas de Información te capacitará para diseñar, desarrollar, configurar y explotar los sistemas informáticos a la vez que aprendes a liderar empresas tecnológicas.

Dual Degree

Telecommunications Systems Engineering + Information Systems Engineering

Este Doble Grado aprovecha las sinergias profesionales que se producen entre estas dos ingenierías para formarte como a un profesional de élite con una base sólida sobre la que afrontar cualquier reto, presente y futuro.


Bioinformatics and Big Data

Bioinformatics is one of the fields of computational sciences that carries out the collection, management, analysis and storage of biological data by developing mathematical models to extract the maximum knowledge and apply it directly to the resolution of biological or biomedical problems. It is an interdisciplinary field that brings together computer science, mathematics, statistics, biology, and chemistry.


Mathematical Engineering

Desarrolla con este grado la capacidad de razonamiento, abstracción, pensamiento lógico y rigor matemático para afrontar el modelado y la resolución analítica de problemas complejos. Domina las herramientas de programación, simulación y optimización, que te permitirán implementar esos modelos y buscar solucion


Communications System Engineering

El Grado en Ingeniería de Sistemas de Telecomunicación te formará para convertirte en uno de los profesionales más completos y demandados trabajando en entornos de simulación real y avanzados equipamientos.

List of subjects

Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Bioestadística I 6 Compulsory SPA --
Circuitos Eléctricos y Electrónicos 6 Formación Básica SPA --
Fundamentos de Biología 6 Compulsory SPA --
Fundamentos Matemáticos de la Ingeniería de Telecomunicación I 9 Formación Básica SPA --
Fundamentos Matemáticos de la Ingeniería de Telecomunicación II 9 Formación Básica SPA --
Física 9 Formación Básica SPA --
Introducción a la Ingeniería de Telecomunicación 3 Compulsory SPA --
Programación 6 Formación Básica SPA --
Química 6 Formación Básica SPA --
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Anatomía y fisiología 6 Formación Básica SPA --
Bases de datos 6 Formación Básica SPA --
Algoritmos y Estructura de Datos 6 Formación Básica SPA Teaching Guide
Bioquímica y Biología Molecular 6 Formación Básica SPA --
Campos y Ondas 6 Formación Básica SPA --
Claves de Historia Contemporánea 6 Compulsory SPA --
Electrónica digital 6 Compulsory SPA --
Histofisiología 6 Formación Básica SPA --
Sistemas de Telecomunicación 6 Compulsory SPA --
Sistemas Lineales 6 Compulsory SPA --
Bioestadística II 6 Compulsory SPA --
Economía y Organización de Empresas 6 Formación Básica SPA --
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Redes de Empresa 6 Compulsory SPA --
Fisiopatología y patología general 6 Compulsory SPA --
Infraestructuras de Telecomunicación 6 Compulsory SPA --
Radiocomunicaciones 6 Compulsory SPA --
Redes de Comunicaciones 6 Compulsory SPA --
Señales Aleatorias 6 Compulsory SPA --
Electrónica II 6 Compulsory SPA --
Comunicaciones Analógicas 6 Compulsory SPA --
Arquitectura de computadores y sistemas operativos 6 Compulsory SPA --
Tecnologías de Radiofrecuencia 6 Compulsory SPA --
Tratamiento Digital de la Señal 6 Compulsory SPA Teaching Guide
Hombre y Mundo Moderno 6 Compulsory SPA --
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Programación en Red 6 Compulsory SPA --
Comunicaciones Digitales 6 Compulsory SPA --
Gestión de Redes y Servicios 6 Compulsory SPA --
Tecnologías Fotónicas 6 Compulsory SPA --
Sistemas de soporte a la decisión 6 Compulsory SPA --
Aprendizaje automático en biomedicina 6 Compulsory SPA --
Métodos numéricos en ingeniería biomédica 6 Compulsory SPA --
Proyectos 6 Compulsory SPA --
Proyectos en Ingeniería Biomédica I 3 Compulsory SPA --
Servicios de Telecomunicación 6 Compulsory SPA --
Sistemas de Radiocomunicación 6 Compulsory SPA --
Prácticas Externas (GIST) 6 Prácticas Externas SPA Teaching Guide
Optatividad libre (GIST) 6 Elective SPA --
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Sistemas Multimedia 6 Compulsory SPA --
Doctrina social de la iglesia 6 Compulsory SPA --
Proyectos en Ingeniería Biomédica II 3 Compulsory SPA --
Prácticas Externas (GIBM) 6 Prácticas Externas SPA Teaching Guide
Trabajo Fin de Grado (GIBM) 12 Trabajo Fin de Grado SPA Teaching Guide
Trabajo Fin de Grado (GIST) 12 Trabajo Fin de Grado SPA Teaching Guide
Optatividad - Para Itinerario I - Informática Clínica 18 Elective SPA --
Optatividad libre (GIBM) - Para Itinerario I - Informática Clínica 4.5 Elective SPA --
Optatividad - Para Itinerario II - Bioinformática 24 Elective SPA --
Optatividad - Para Itinerario III - Asistencia a la discapacidad 24 Elective SPA --
Optatividad - Para Itinerario IV- Bioinstrumentación y Señal Médica 19.5 Elective SPA --
Optatividad libre (GIBM) - Para Itinerario IV- Bioinstrumentación y Señal Médica 3 Elective SPA --
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Ingeniería del software 6 Elective SPA --
Sistemas web I 6 Elective SPA --
Sistemas web II 6 Elective SPA --
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Genómica y Proteómica 6 Elective SPA --
Biología de Sistemas 3 Elective SPA --
Bioinformática 6 Elective SPA --
Técnicas Ómicas Avanzadas: Arrays y Secuenciación Masiva 4.5 Elective SPA --
Estructura de Macromoléculas y Bioinformática Estructural 4.5 Elective SPA --
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Sistemas empotrados en biomedicina 6 Elective SPA --
Señales en la interacción humano-máquina 3 Elective SPA --
Electrónica analógica aplicada a la Ingeniería Biomédica 4.5 Elective SPA --
Fundamentos de robótica 6 Elective SPA --
Sensores y actuadores en Ingeniería Biomédica 4.5 Elective SPA --
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Sistemas empotrados en biomedicina 6 Elective SPA --
Señales biomédicas 4.5 Elective SPA --
Electrónica analógica aplicada a la Ingeniería Biomédica 4.5 Elective SPA --
Técnicas de Imagen en biomedicina 4.5 Elective SPA --
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Interconexión de Redes 6 Elective SPA --
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Sistemas de información en la empresa I 6 Elective SPA --
Bases de datos II 6 Elective SPA --
Ayudas técnicas en discapacidad auditiva 3 Elective SPA --
Proyectos de sistemas de información 6 Elective SPA --
Administración de sistemas de información 6 Elective SPA --
Sistemas de información para la dirección estratégica 6 Elective SPA --
Videojuegos y realidad virtual aplicada a la salud 3 Elective SPA --
Subject ECTS Character Language Teaching Guide
Bioética 3 Elective SPA --
Introducción al Cristianismo 3 Elective SPA --
Grandes Libros 3 Elective SPA --

List of subjects

List of subjects

Additional programmes

Expand your knowledge and dazzle with your profile

Obtaining your degree is the first step towards achieving the future you want. But to make your professional profile shine like no other, you can broaden your knowledge with other courses at Univesidad CEU San Pablo. 


The competencies of these growing disciplines

By studying the Dual Bachelor’s degree in Telecommunications Engineering + Biomedical Engineering you will receive comprehensive training to be able to design, implement and operate any product or telecommunications infrastructure and, in addition, you will be prepared to develop devices that help in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients. To achieve this, you will need to acquire certain competencies, among which are:

Competencias - Ingenierías

By studying the Dual Bachelor’s degree in Telecommunications Engineering + Biomedical Engineering you will receive comprehensive training to be able to design, implement and operate any product or telecommunications infrastructure and, in addition, you will be prepared to develop devices that help in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients. To achieve this, you will need to acquire certain competencies, among which are:

Acquire the necessary knowledge of the general laws of mechanics, thermodynamics, fields and waves, and electromagnetism; as well as the basic concepts of linear systems and related functions and transforms, the theory of electrical and electronic circuits, the physical principle of semiconductors and logic families, electronic and photonic devices, and materials technology and its application to solve engineering problems.

To conceive, deploy, organize and manage telecommunication networks, systems, services and infrastructures in residential (home, city and digital communities), business or institutional contexts, taking responsibility for their implementation and continuous improvement, as well as for knowing their economic and social impact.

Develop the ability to solve mathematical problems that may arise in engineering, as well as the use of communication and computer applications to support the development and operation of telecommunication and electronic networks, services and applications.

To learn the principles of scientific methodology and how to apply them to problem solving in the field of Biomedical Engineering. To know the relationship between acquired biomedical signals and their physiological implications.

To critically mature possible solutions for the development of telemonitoring, telemonitoring, telecare and telediagnosis systems for patients. Discover, interpret, and evaluate patterns (knowledge) by applying data mining techniques. Design, analyze and evaluate electronic circuits corresponding to the instrumental stages of data acquisition in biomedicine.

To master a modern language, in the context of the discipline and professional performance, in addition to the essential oral and written communication skills. Learn to use a modern language and its terminology specific to biomedical engineering.

To know how to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different technological alternatives for the deployment or implementation of communications systems, from the point of view of signal space, disturbances and noise, and analog and digital modulation systems.

To acquire knowledge of the principles, techniques and measuring instruments most commonly used in the measurement of biological and medical quantities. To know the relationship between acquired biomedical signals and their physiological implications.

Internships in companies

Learn with 360 hours of internships in the most interesting companies in each sector

In-company internships
Internships in companies

Learn with 360 hours of internships in the most interesting companies in each sector

The Dual Bachelor’s degree in Telecommunications Engineering and Biomedical Engineering has an additional advantage: the internships are multiplied so that you can learn in an important company in each sector. In the fourth and fifth year of your degree, you will have two periods of 180 hours of professional internships in companies, hospitals, or research centers.

We have agreements for internships with various institutes of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas such as the Centro de Automática y Robótica, the Instituto Cajal or the Centro Nacional de Biotecnología. And you can also benefit from the many agreements we have with the leading companies in the ICT sector in the country and internationally.

They collaborate with us:

We collaborate with leading multinational companies such as IBM or Cisco, or with prestigious university hospitals.

Career opportunities

An attractive range of career opportunities

Salidas profesionales
Career opportunities

An attractive range of career opportunities

At the end of this Dual Bachelor’s degree you will have the necessary skills to develop your profession in the fields of telecommunications, biomedicine and those that are at the intersection of both disciplines, such as telemonitoring and telecare. You will be able to access the professions of Biomedical Engineering and those of the highly sought-after telecommunications sector.

Job placement

97% of telecommunications graduates are employed, as stated in the report "Present and future of the telecommunications engineer" by the Official College of Telecommunications Engineers (COIT). And according to the latest report by the Spanish Association of Biocompanies, the biotech industry is a strategic sector for the economic and social transformation of Spain. Our job placement surveys also confirm this: 100% of CEU graduates who have studied these disciplines are working.

Design Your Future Program

Activate your employability from the very first moment

Curso Diseña TU Futuro Universidad CEU San Pablo
Design Your Future Program

Activate your employability from the very first moment

Design YOUR Future is a program to accelerate the employability of undergraduate students, developed by the CEU Employability Advisory Board and Human Resources professionals from future employers. You will acquire fundamental skills and competencies to become the first choice in a selection process.  

This Bachelor’s degree includes key courses that will allow you to know in depth the labor market and the functioning of a company. You will learn what a company is, how it is structured, how to write a resume or how to face a job interview, etc.   

Admission Process

Admission Process

The admission process at our university consists of an assessment of your academic and professional profile, and an interview.

Build your future today, and do it in just 4 steps: 

1. Documentación


Enter the Admissions Portal and fill in the form to start your process.

Reserva de plaza


Have an interview with a professor from your school so that we can get to know you and you can solve all your doubts about the university or the chosen degree.



Once you have received confirmation of your admission, pre-enroll and reserve your place with us.

Entrevista de admisión


Once you receive the results of the EVAU, upload the documentation and formalize your enrollment.

New student profile

The future student of this Dual Bachelor’s degree must have previous knowledge in subjects related to engineering and health sciences, such as biology, mathematics and physics. In addition to curiosity for information and communication technologies and interest in developing a professional career in the fields of telecommunications and health. As for the baccalaureate of origin, it is desirable to come from an option of the biosanitary or technological branch

Scholarships and Grants

We offer you scholarships and grants because we believe in your talent.

Becas y ayudas
Scholarships and Grants

We offer you scholarships and grants because we believe in your talent.

We want all talented students with the desire to excel to have access to opportunities to develop and achieve the best future. That is why we have created the scholarship and aid program that invests the most in Spain. Find out more about the grants you can access as a student at Universidad CEU San Pablo.   

Prices Academic Year 25-26


Prices Academic Year 25-26

Reservation fee*850.00 €
Enrolment Fee**1,900.00 €
Number of credits***72 ECTS
Price per credit**200.00 €
Monthly payment1,600.00 €
Prices14,400.00 €

* The reservation fee is paid once, when the student enters the university.

** The price of the credit is the same for 1st year and higher courses in the current academic year. In future academic years the price of the credit may be updated.

*** The number of credits refers to the first academic year. This number may vary in subsequent years, depending on the degree program.


Give your career a global reach with an international certificate

Proyección Internacional

Give your career a global reach with an international certificate

At Universidad CEU San Pablo, you can obtain a foreign academic certificate through three types of international programmes:

  1. International Bilingual Programs (IBP)    
  2. International Online Programs (IOP)  
  3. International Professional Programs (IPP)  

This is a unique opportunity to finish your education with an international profile that will open the doors to any job challenge you may set yourself.

Live an enriching experience on a personal and professional level!  

Mobility Programs

Enjoy an international university experience

Movilidad Intenacional
Mobility Programs

Enjoy an international university experience

At Universidad CEU San Pablo, we offer you the opportunity to take one or more mobility trips to universities around the world. You can study in Europe thanks to the Erasmus+ Program or in other countries through Bilateral Exchange Agreements or other special programs.

The students from the Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, at the Institute of Technology (EPS) can move to reference universities such as the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (Austria), the UBA-FADU of Buenos Aires (Argentina), Queensland University of Technology (Australia), among many others.

International internships

International work experience, the perfect career boost

Prácticas internacionales
International internships

International work experience, the perfect career boost

Do an internship abroad with the Erasmus+ Internship Grants. This will allow you to immerse yourself linguistically and culturally, as well as having an enriching experience that will help you both professionally and personally.

Can you imagine everything you can learn with an internship outside Spain? At Universidad CEU San Pablo, we can help you achieve it.

Professor Departament Profile
As a result of Universidad CEU San Pablo's commitment to Quality, the Institute of Technology has a living Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC), aligned with the SISCAL Guidelines at the Centre level, which ensures the review and continuous improvement of all official Bachelor's and Master's degrees.

First formalised IQAS at the level of Universidad San Pablo-CEU  that guarantees the quality and continuous improvement of its Bachelor's and Master's degrees.


The IQAS is approved at the Centre level where the IQC of each Centre approves proposals for improvement and their follow-up.


Universidad San Pablo-CEU obtains the SISCAL Madri+d model certification for all its centers and Institutional Accreditation for the centers presented.

Acreditacion Madri+d EPS

madrid+d institutional accreditation

Universidad San Pablo-CEU has obtained Institutional Accreditation for the following university centers:

  • Law School 
  • School of Economics and Business 
  • School of Humanities and Communication Sciences 
  • School of Medicine 
  • Institute of Technology 
  • School of Pharmacy 
  • University Institute of European Studies 

IQAS madri+d certification

  • Law School 
  • School of Economics and Business 
  • School of Humanities and Communication Sciences 
  • School of Medicine 
  • School of Pharmacy 
  • Institute of Technology 
  • University Institute of European Studie