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Attention to Students with Special Needs

Academic year 2018-2019

Disability Unit

During the current academic year, the first in which students have been attended to in accordance with the protocols approved by the Governing Board in July 2018, https://www.uspceu.com/Portals/0/docs/servicios-para-el-estudiante/PROTOCOLO_ACTUACI%C3%93N_ALUMNOS_CON_NECESIDADES_ESPECIALES_jun_2018.pdf has seen a significant increase in the number of enquiries compared to previous years, both for more details on how to follow up on cases, and to find out the criteria for accepting and limiting requests from students with a disability. 

It should be recognised, in any case, that the existence of these protocols has facilitated the work of teaching staff in the different faculties by providing guidelines in accordance with what is generally established in Spanish and European universities and study centres.

On the other hand, a protocol for cases of harassment at the University has been revised for approval by the Governing Board and will soon be submitted for approval.

With the intention of keeping abreast of current studies on disability, the director of the Unit has attended as a listener, as far as her teaching and research activities have allowed, conferences such as "Disability and ageing: challenges of an inclusive citizenship" (AMIFP, 11-12 June 2019). 

It has also collaborated with a study carried out in the Basque Country on accessibility in online higher education for students with disabilities, conducted by Elena Barredo.