Repositorio Facultad de Derecho
Logo Universidad CEU San Pablo
School of Law


Dean's Office

Dr. D. Alfonso Martínez-Echevarría y García de Dueñas

Dean of the Law School

Dr. Alfonso Martínez-Echevarría y García de Dueñas

Tel: 915140400 Ext. 15700

Vicedecana de Profesorado, Calidad y Posgrado

Dra. Geraldine Bethencourt Rodríguez

Tel: 91 456 63 00 Ext. 15714

Vice-Dean of Students, Teachings and International Development

Dr. Miguel Pérez de Ayala Becerril

Tel: 915140400 Ext. 15755

Secretario Académico

Dr. Luis Rodrigo de Castro

Tel: 91 456 63 00 Ext. 15746


The University is an admirable European invention which, since its medieval origins, has striven to establish a genuine community of people within itself, to create and transmit science, to constitute a space open to criticism and peaceful debate of ideas in its untiring search for truth, to commit itself to solving the problems that beset society, serving it but at the same time guiding it in a free and independent spirit.

  1. Because the transcendent dignity of the person and the respect that every human being deserves by the mere fact of being a human being demand our contribution to make them effective in today's world, I undertake to treat my professors, classmates and other members of the university community with respect, observing university manners, taking the utmost care not to hurt or annoy anyone with words or actions that show contempt, and to ensure in my attitude and presence, both in the classroom and outside the University, the respect that academic dignity demands of every member of the university community.
  2. Because abuse, injustice and arbitrariness should not be part of the relations between humans, I commit myself to make service to others my way of acting and not to promote unhealthy competitiveness in my conduct.
  3. Because the evils present in this world such as wars, terrorism and genocide must disappear once and for all, I commit myself to renounce all forms of violence and to seek a peaceful solution to conflicts that arise. Because the evils present in this world such as wars, terrorism and genocide must disappear once and for all, I commit myself to renounce all forms of violence and to seek the peaceful resolution of conflicts that arise.
  4. Because no man should feel loneliness, sadness, or marginalisation, I commit myself to ensure in my environment a suitable climate for the best development of human relations, without marginalising anyone.
  5. Because evil, disloyalty and falsehood must be combated, I pledge that my actions, my relations with others and my study will be based on goodness and sincerity, and that my aim will be the search for scientific truth.
  6. Because a society should not be based on selfishness, easy success or the pursuit of self-satisfaction and money, I commit myself to work with seriousness and enthusiasm and to accept the effort involved in all learning.
  7. Because every man should have access to decent work that contributes to making him a full and happy human being, I commit myself to be faithful to my vocation, to carry out my university work well and not to forget the opportunity that life has given me to obtain an adequate intellectual training, not to waste or squander it, and to give back to society the good received.
  8. Because poverty in the world must be combated, I commit myself to bear in mind that my studies and my work must serve the common good of society.
  9. Because all true science must serve to make men freer, societies more just and to protect life and the natural environment, I commit myself to study in search of the ultimate reason for things and to put my knowledge at the service of progress, life and the improvement of society and nature.
  10. Because no one should think that life is meaningless, that everything that happens is the result of chance, that everything is relative or that nothing matters, I commit myself to seek and show the meaning of what I do and to pursue the truth that underlies everything according to the vision of Christian humanism.


Basic Law Studies and Private Law

This Department groups together the following areas: Philosophy of Law and Politics, Roman Law, History of Spanish Law, on the one hand, and Civil Law, Commercial Law, Labour and Social Security Law and Private International Law, on the other. These are, therefore, subjects of legal foundations and positive law, the latter belonging to the field of private law, with a high doctrinal density.

One of the aims of bringing them all together is to promote research projects on legal reasoning applied to positive law, comparative law on obligations and contracts with a special focus on arbitration, bankruptcy law from a historical-dogmatic and current positive law perspective, current legal issues in the field of labour law, etc., adding to the legal perspective the uniquely enriching, from a scientific and practical point of view, of political science.

The dynamism of the teaching of the different subjects, fully adapted to the new didactic methods since the Bologna Declaration, has led to the implementation of an effort to strengthen legal reasoning, balanced with memory, which prepares students in the Degree for future professional practice by actively confronting the resolution of numerous practical questions that arise. The student is invited to participate in public debates in the Group itself, in the School and between Universities. Proof of this are the recent national and international prizes obtained by our students, which endorse the success of these initiatives and the in-depth work that is carried out on a daily basis with them.

Director of the Department of Basic Law Studies and Private Law

Dr. Juan Manuel Blanch Nougues

Secretary of the Department of Basic Law Studies and Private Law

Mr Pedro Robles Latorre

Profesor Email Perfil
Área - Derecho Civil
Bueno Nuñez, Silvia
Erdozain López, José Carlos
Fernández González, Mª. Begoña
Fernández González-Regueral, Mª Ángeles
Florit Fernández, Carmen
Hidalgo Cerezo, Alberto
Jarillo Gómez, Juan Luis
Medina Sánchez, Rosa
Robles Latorre, Pedro
Área - Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social
Abeleira Colao, Manuela
Maldonado Montoya, Juan Pablo
Marbán Pinilla, Teresa
Martín Jiménez, Rocío
Peñacoba Rivas, Eduardo
Área - Derecho Internacional Privado
Barberan Molina, Pascual
Hernández Valenciano, Francisco Javier
Unceta Laborda, Miguel
Área - Derecho Mercantil
Ayala Canales, César Gerardo
Bethencourt Rodríguez, Geraldine
Campuzano Laguillo, Ana Belén
Cuenca Miranda, Sebastián
Fernández Larrea, Ignacio
Martínez-Echevarría y García de Dueñas, Alfonso
Navarro Álvarez, Irene
Sancho de las Alas-Pumariño, Carmen
Sarandeses Fernández-Santa Eulalia, Carmen
Área - Derecho Romano
Blanch Nougués, Juan Manuel
Carbó Prachner, Guillermo
Gerez Kraemer, Gabriel
Palomo Pinel, Carmen Macarena
Área - Filosofía del Derecho
Ayllón Santiago, Héctor Sergio
Gallego García, Elio Alfonso
Retamar Jiménez, Jose Antonio
Sánchez Maíllo, Carmen
Vara Martín, Julián
Zerolo Durán, Armando
Área - Historia del Derecho y de las Instituciones
Domínguez Nafría, Juan Carlos
Palencia Pulido, Íñigo
Pérez Fernández-Turégano, Carlos
Área - Sociología
Alonso Marqués, Jesús Tomás
Busta Olivar, Ovidio Adolfo
Castillo San Martín, Teresa
Fernández García, María Guadalupe
Fernández Martín, Julia María
García Alvárez, Pedro
Isidro Torreblanca, José
Lago Montejo, Vicente
Llorente Barreto, Juan
Martín Rubio, José
Pozo Ximenez De Embun, Carlos
Recio Gayo, Miguel
Vázquez Rodríguez, Alfredo

Public Law

Our Department is divided in two Departmental Sections. The first one consists of the following teaching areas and units: Administrative Law, Criminal Law, Procedural Law, Financing Law, and Taxation. The second Section consists of the following teaching areas and units: Constitutional Law, International Public Law and International Relations and State Ecclesiastical Law. The basic aims of the Department are twofold: the first is teaching, organising, and giving classes in all the Schools of our University where subjects belonging to the Department are taught.

The second is research. In relation to the latter, the Department, either jointly or through the different areas or teaching units, participates in various internal and external research projects, both nationally and internationally. Different conferences and seminars are also held every year for the training of both students and lecturers in the Department.

Jerónimo Maíllo González Orus

Representantive of Department Directors of the Law School

Dr. Jerónimo Maíllo González Orús

Secretary of the Department of Public Law

Mr. Rafael Murillo Ferrer

Profesor Email Perfil
Área - Ciencia Política y de la Administración
Uribe Otalora, Ainhoa
Área - Derecho Administrativo
Canales Gil, Alvaro
Chimeno Cano, Amaro
Díaz Romeral Gómez, Alberto
Domínguez Torres-Fontes, Carlos
Duaso Cales, Rosario
Fernández González, Carlos Manuel
Garcia Borrego, Jose Antonio
González Quinzá, Arturo
Guerrero Ron, Ana Georgina
Moll Fernández-Figueras, Luis
Piñar Mañas, José Luis
Piñar Real, Alicia
Ruiz Campos, María Luisa
Torregrosa Vázquez, José
Utrera Caro, Sebastián Félix
Valcárcel Rubio, Jaime
Área - Derecho Constitucional
Abad Alcalá, Leopoldo
Brey Blanco, Jose Luis
Muñoz Carrasco, Patricia
Murillo Ferrer, Rafael
Pernas Alonso, José María
Rivera y Sar, Javier
Área - Derecho Eclesiástico del Estado
Rodrigo Lara, María Belén
Subirán Marcos, Jorge
Tornel García, Ignacio Rafael
Área - Derecho Financiero y Tributario
Alcalde Gutiérrez, Eduardo
Gorospe Oviedo, Juan Ignacio
Martínez-Gil Gutiérrez de la Cámara, Luis
Pérez de Ayala Becerril, Miguel
Tello Bellosillo, Javier María
Ulloa Lapetra, Gonzalo María de
Villar Ezcurra, Marta
Área - Derecho Internacional Público y Relaciones Internacionales
Araujo Boyd, Marcos
Becerril Atienza, Belén
Bellido Barrionuevo, María
Beneyto Pérez, José María
Calvo-Sotelo Ibáñez-Martín, Leopoldo
Cardona Cárdenas, Edgar Hugo
de la Vega Gallego, Emilia
del Barrio Fernández, Natalia
Escoda Villacorta, Daniel
Lostao Crespo, Fernando
Maillo González-Orús, Jerónimo
Martín Rodríguez, Rafael
Martini Briceño, Marta Lya
Massa Arranz, Eva
Radley-Searle Anduiza, Fiona
Rodrigo de Castro, Luis
Schaver Eizaguirre, Cristina
Silva Soto, Álvaro José
Tatham, Allan Francis
Vallina Hoset, Roberto
Verdeguer Segarra, Miguel Amadeo
Área - Derecho Penal
Casals Fernández, Ángela
Elguero Merino, José María
Ibáñez Peinado, José
López Muñoz, Julián
Luciáñez Sánchez, Carmen
Marchal Escalona, Antonio Nicolás
Martínez Galindo, Gemma
Neira Herrera, Carlos
Olalde García, Ana
Área - Derecho Procesal
Abella Rubio, José María
Encinar del Pozo, Miguel Ángel
Gonzalo Pascual, Juan Ignacio
Gutiérrez de Cabiedes, Pablo
Martínez Peña, José María
Partido Figueroa, Raúl
Rodríguez Alonso, Fernando
Sánchez Rivera, Pedro
Área - Historia del Pensamiento y de los Movimientos Sociales y Políticos
Alonso Marcos, Antonio