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The Archbishop of Madrid visits the University

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Cardinal Carlos Osoro has visited the Moncloa campus to meet the university community, students, teachers and the rectoral team. The Archbishop of Madrid, accompanied by our President, Alfonso Bullón de Mendoza, the National Advisor of the ACdP, Monsignor Fidel Herráez, and the Rector, Rosa Visiedo, in his meeting with the university community, thanked the institution’s work and stressed that "we must be salt and light within family, in company, at university...". He also pointed out that "the Christian testimony must be given with the weapons we have: devotion, generosity, dialogue".

In a subsequent discussion with the university's pastoral and volunteer team, led by the head of Pastoral and Volunteering at the CEU, Jesús Robledo, and chaplains Jesús Zurita and Isidro Molina, Osoro insisted on the need for people, and particularly young people, to take special care in listening. "By listening we help others, and reach the core of the human heart", he remarked. Osoro also had the opportunity to go on a tour around the new School of Humanities and Communication Sciences along with the dean, María Solano, and to visit its facilities, such as the radio and television studios and the chapel.

Finally, the President of the ACdP thanked Osoro for his visit and stressed that "it has been a blessing to have your presence, an authentic time of grace and a special moment, a true passing of the Lord through our institution".

Palabras clave Carlos Osoro Archbishop of Madrid Meeting Young People University Community