Biblioteca CEU USP
Logo Universidad CEU San Pablo


The Library organises training and information literacy courses for students of the different faculties.

The aim is to facilitate knowledge and access to various information resources such as: databases, journals and e-books, catalogues, other library resources and information quality websites.

Established courses

  • "Learn to use your library" (duration 1 h. approx.)
  • TFG-PFG preparation courses (duration approx. 2 hours).
  • Specialized training on specific resources organized by suppliers

What information resources do you need?

Request training and information from your library.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays the library has scheduled sessions on resources, databases and information management tools. Contact us.

Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Hours: from 12 to 13 h and from 15 to 16 h.


Unidad de Formación y Alfabetización Informacional

Leonor Andrades Román

Tel: 91 372 47 41 Ext. 14739

Recursos electrónicos y digitales

Eva Mª Vela García

Ext. 15775