Biblioteca CEU USP
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Support to research


The aim of the Bibliometrics Units of the CEU Universities is the study and analysis of the scientific production of our institution and the advice to the research staff to enhance the visibility and impact of the research of CEU Universities.

Contact: [email protected]

More information about the objectives and commitments of the Bibliometrics Unit can be found in its Service Charter.


Accreditations and Six-year stays

The Bibliometrics Unit advises teaching staff at Universidad San Pablo-CEU on accreditation processes and applications for six-year periods. We look for indications of the quality of publications for all types of calls for papers.

Likewise, and in a personalised manner, we advise and guide the researcher with regard to the presentation of their curriculum for the different accreditation and sexenios processes.

Calls for evaluation and accreditation:

Indications of publication quality 

There are different tools that offer indicators to assess the quality of publications. To measure their impact you can consult the following guide:


Author profiles

The author profile is an alphanumeric code that standardizes and univocally identifies a specific author, differentiating him/her from other researchers. It associates their scientific publications in a given platform, giving greater visibility to their scientific production, managing and solving publication attribution problems. Metrics such as h-index and citations can be extracted from some profiles.

  • Orcid, Google Scholar, Dialnet
  • Unification of Authors: WOS, Scopus, Dialnet...

Transformative agreements

With the aim of fostering a new Open Science environment in Spain, CRUE and CSIC are signing the so-called Transformative Agreements (TA) with the four main academic and scientific publishers: Elsevier, Wiley, Springer and ACS. These agreements represent a change of economic model in scientific publishing and facilitate the transition to open access, replacing the current business model of "pay to read" with "pay to read and publish" (read & publish).

During a transition period of four years, the percentage that universities will pay for reading and downloading will be lower and lower, and the percentage for publishing will be higher and higher. The terms and conditions set with each of these publishers will be different, depending on the case.

From the Directorate of Libraries we have signed a first transformative agreement, in this case with the publisher WILEY, consolidating our commitment to the open dissemination of the scientific production of CEU researchers. This makes it possible for them to have the opportunity to publish their work in open access in the more than 1400 hybrid journals of this publisher without having to assume, as until now, the payment of the cost of publication or APC (Article Processing Charges).

Thanks to him, for the first time, the payment of the cost of open access publication has been authorized for a USP researcher. Work has also been done on defining the eligibility criteria for researchers who can benefit from this type of agreement and on revising the CEU Universities PDI affiliation rules.

Transformative agreement with Elsevier Publishing 2023-2024

CEU Universities have signed this transformative agreement that grants authors the right to publish articles in open access in hybrid journals belonging to the Freedom Collection (Science Direct).

This agreement will start on January 1, 2023, during this year CEU Universities researchers will have 20 APCs, and 23 APCs during 2024.

The articles must be published under a Creative Commons license: CC-BY, CC-BY-NC and CC-BY-NC-ND (Attribution - Non-Commercial - No Derivatives).

The eligibility criteria that have been defined are the following:

  • being a member of a CEU University (institutional mail);
  • the correct institutional affiliation according to the Standards;
  • the impact and quality of the publication;
  • the commitment to deposit the article in the CEU Institutional Repository;

Requests will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis, until the available funds are exhausted. The researcher who wants to use a prepaid APC must be listed as the corresponding author of the article and have CEU institutional mail.

In addition, the agreement will enable electronic access to the full text of all Elsevier journal articles published since 1995 in the Complete Freedom Collection of journals (Science Direct) from January 2023.

IMarina Curriculum managemer

For universities, it is essential to have integrated into the curriculum manager the main research indicators, the indications of the quality of publications and the public profile of our faculty.

In addition, it has a user service with which you can communicate at any time, and generate CVs in standardized format, both in its abbreviated and more extensive version.

The IMarina Portal can be accessed from the CEU intranet.


Moncloa Campus

Rubén Bouzas Pérez

Ext. 15734

Julia Carreño Aguilar

Ext. 15676

Montepríncipe Campus

Itziar Muñoz Cascante

Ext. 14866

Marta Lázaro Fernández

Ext. 14879