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Isabel Benjumea and Margarita de la Pisa, CEU Awards for Life

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The CEU Institute for Family Studies has recognised with its 'CEU Awards for Life' various actions in favour of life. In this IX edition, MEP Isabel Benjumea Benjumea (European People's Party) and Margarita de la Pisa Carrión (VOX) have been distinguished with the 'Award for the Public Defense of Life'. Additionally, a student from the CEU Universidad San Pablo won the 'Award for Creativity in Defense of Life'. 

Upon receiving the award from Alfonso Bullón de Mendoza, president of the Catholic Association of Propagandists, Isabel Benjumea emphasised that it is a day of joy because “we have come together to defend life without labels, without complexes, raising our voices at an institutional level. It is this unity, and with hope, from which we must encourage others to join this cause of defending life.” However, she reminded, “we must not deceive ourselves either; we must humbly acknowledge that we are not the majority we would like to be, that our message is not the one most supported by institutions.” 

In this sense, Benjumea pointed out that “this awareness of reality and humility should move all of us who believe in the defence of life. It must be a priority to share it, make it attractive to others, and make it a cause for joy and celebration.” The MEP for the People's Party emphasised that “I would be delighted for others to defend and celebrate life, whether they share my ideological principles or not, because only through unity can we achieve the recognition of life, the dignity of the person, and the rights of the unborn.”

Benjumea reminded that “defending life is not just about defending the unborn; it is about defending dignity, equal opportunities, caring for those who suffer, and comforting the elderly and the sick, by using all the means that society can provide.” Along these lines, she pointed out that “I have always been clear that the defence of life cannot be subject to a trend. Let's not make it a trend, but a commitment to affirmation, a commitment to values.”

In conclusion, the MEP urged people to defend life and “not to be discouraged in the face of this moral distortion and legal absurdity. The right to life can never be anyone's property. If defending life is worth it, it is because we deeply love and cherish it.”

Margarita de la Pisa stated that “we are at risk of losing the right to freedom of conscience, thought, and religion. Christian fundamentals are beginning to be considered hate speech in a culture of cancellation.” The MEP for VOX pointed out that “a decision is not free if there is no choice,” as is the case with pregnant women, who “find no support.” In this regard, she warned of the persecution faced by “those who want to lend a hand” and called for the recognition of women's rights “consistent with our femininity: the right to pregnancy protection, maternity, and the right to be able to care.”

De la Pisa, the MEP who has presented the most amendments during this legislature (a total of 6,018), has been critical of the European Union and the United Nations, which, she said, “consider being pro-life contrary to human rights”. She concluded: “There is a push to include abortion in the Charter of Fundamental Rights, leaving the defenceless unprotected, leaving them sold out, when their care and dignity should be ensured”.

Within the framework of the 'CEU Awards for Life,' the 'Awards for Creativity in Defense of Life' were also presented, with the first prize going to Effioh Agossou Emmanuel Lokossou, a Media Studies student at the CEU Universidad San Pablo, for his story: 'Caring for the Elderly: Challenges, Legacy, and Future Perspectives.' In it, he defends old age as an opportunity and not a fatality. “These are people who have contributed much to our society and remain a source of wisdom and inspiration,” explained the student from Benin. In this same category, four runners-up prizes were also awarded to different projects.

During the inauguration, the director of the CEU Institute of Family Studies, Carmen Fernández de la Cigoña, reminded us of the meaning of these awards, which “recognise the work and courage of those who, far from remaining in a comfortable and favourable position, expose the manipulation suffered by society, exercise leadership, propose alternatives, and provide answers beyond the single way of thinking.” In this vein, she emphasised that such events “are necessary because it is essential not only to do things but also to talk about them and highlight their value.”

The director of the Institute pointed out that “the family must be the safe and natural place to defend and protect life from the beginning to the end, going through all the necessary moments. And to do so in a joyful, passionate, dedicated, and committed manner... as Life itself and everything that happens within it should be.” And she appealed for unity: “The task is worthwhile, and we can reach further if we go together.”

The rector of the CEU Universidad San Pablo, Rosa Visiedo, congratulated all the award winners and noted that “a university prepared for the future is a university that does not lose sight of the human aspect, cannot ignore the defence of what corresponds to human beings, of their fundamental rights.” In this respect, she added: “Being truly CEU means trying to bring out the best in oneself, in everyone. And that means being as profoundly human as possible and also commits us to the task of defending Life.”

Finally, the president of the Catholic Association of Propagandists, Alfonso Bullón de Mendoza, closed the event, highlighting the commitment to defending life and family, “a fundamental commitment for any society that we celebrate with this endearing and joyful event, as should be the defence and the right to life.”

Palabras clave CEU for Life MEPs Isabel Benjumea Margarita de la Pisa Family