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"Data Protection and Consumer Protection" seminar by the South EU Google Data Governance Chair

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In March, the South EU Google Data Governance Chair held the "Data Protection and Consumer Protection" seminar at the Università Roma Tre, attended by experts in the personal data protection and consumer protection fields from Spain, Italy, Portugal, and Greece. Vincenzo Zeno-Zencovich, Professor of Comparative Law at the Università Roma Tre, member of the Board of the South EU Google Data Governance Chair and organiser of the Seminar, participated in the opening session. He emphasised the relevance of the chosen topic, in which the issue of consent for data processing is of great importance, and highlighted the potential risk derived from an overlap between the right to personal data protection and consumer protection, as well as the competencies of authorities protecting these rights. Finally, he raised the issue of the relationship between "lex specialis" and "lex generalis" which may be relevant in this specific context.

Also participating in the opening session was Andrea Stazi, Head of Regulatory Affairs at Google for Southern Europe and Academic Outreach for Europe, who emphasised that "transparency" is the key word in the interaction between data protection and consumer protection. Stazi also pointed out that within the issue surrounding personalised advertising online, which is intimately linked to data protection and consumer protection, dialogue between different actors is essential to find the best solution in this area.

The seminar was also attended by Pasquale Stanzione, President of the Garante per la Protezione dei dati personali, the Italian data protection authority, and Giovanni Calabró, Director General for Consumer Protection of the Autorità Garante del Concorrenza e del Mercato.

Representatives of other institutions also participated as speakers, providing national experiences that were of great interest. Charo Fernando (Autocontrol, Spain), Paulo Fonseca (Portuguese Association for Consumer Protection), and Georgios Kontis (Greek Data Protection Authority) presented key elements of what their southern EU institutions are contributing in their respective areas.

Experts from the academic university world also presented issues essential for understanding the relationship between consumer protection and the protection of personal data, providing an analysis that has clearly contributed to the debate in this field. Members of the Board of the South EU Google Data Governance Chair, Maria da Graça Canto Moniz (Nova University of Lisbon) and Georgios Yannopoulos (University of Athens), as well as law professors from different Italian universities, Alberto De Franceschi (University of Ferrara), Giorgio Giannone Codiglione (University of Salerno), and Giuseppe Versaci (University of Insubria), made presentations that shed light on the issues raised by the seminar.

After the interventions of the speakers, José Luis Piñar, Professor of Administrative Law at CEU San Pablo University and director of the Board of the South EU Google Data Governance Chair, presented the final conclusions of the Seminar, highlighting the convergences and divergences between data protection and consumer protection. He underlined the main aspects discussed by the speakers in a seminar in which there was no lack of observations and questions that highlight the special relationship between both branches of law. Professor Piñar raised the question of whether it might be interesting for the right to data protection to incorporate some issues from consumer protection that might be relevant. He also pointed out that the term "consumer" does not appear in the GDPR, perhaps intending to emphasise that data protection does not necessarily have to be linked to consumer rights (a concept closer to the American conception of data protection), but rather is configured as a true autonomous fundamental right. He also emphasised the risks for individuals of having their intentions manipulated in the processing of their personal data.

The work of the South EU Google Data Governance Chair will continue in the coming months with the publication of a book that will bring together the articles written by the speakers who participated in this seminar held in Rome, as well as the organisation of several academic and scientific activities that will take place in Athens, Brussels, and Madrid.

About the South EU Google Data Governance Chair: Established in 2021, the South EU Google Data Governance Chair is a European forum for reflection and research on data governance, aimed at providing a framework for analysing the future challenges facing the European sphere in areas such as Big Data, Data Driven Innovation, Artificial Intelligence, and international data flows. The Board of the South EU Google Data Governance Chair is led by José Luis Piñar Mañas, Professor of Administrative Law at the CEU-San Pablo University in Madrid. The Board also includes professors Maria da Graça Canto Moniz (Nova University of Lisbon), Georgios Yannopoulos (University of Athens), and Vincenzo Zeno-Zencovich (RomaTre University).

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Palabras clave International Data Protection Google