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Agreement with CAM and CEU Union | CEU San Pablo

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The president of the Interprofessional Union of the Community of Madrid (UICM), Eugenio Ribón, and the rector of the University, Rosa Visiedo, have signed a collaboration agreement to promote, through the Professional Associations, the professional development of CEU USP students.

Under the signed agreement, the Interprofessional Union (representing 42 Professional Associations, with nearly 400,000 registered professionals), and the University will join synergies in favour of university students, the future professionals, facilitating the approach of professions and their practice to the University. This commitment to institutional collaboration will serve as the basis for the development of joint actions, including informative and guidance activities such as the organisation and participation in orientation sessions and other actions which may be of interest to both Institutions and facilitate the transition from academic to professional life

In this sense, during the event, the president of UICM, Eugenio Ribón, mphasised that "both Universities and Associations must work in the same direction, for the benefit of future professionals." In the same line, the rector, Rosa Visiedo, highlighted that "the collaboration between both institutions is very important for the future professional development of young university students."

With respect to collaboration In the near future, the president of UICM and the University rector made reference to the major annual event of Madrid professions, the 'Professions Day 2024', an event organised by UICM which, in its eighth edition, will be held on September 26, in Plaza de Colón. This encounter provides the means by which the Interprofessional Union carries out an important pedagogical, social, and professional role, providing academic-professional guidance to young students (pre-university and university) with the participation of different Madrid universities.

Present at the signing ceremony were the spokesperson of the UICM Board of Directors and President of the Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists of Region I, Marisol Ucha, the Vice-Rector for Teaching at the University, Cristina Masa, and the manager of CEU USP, Carmen García de Elías.

Palabras clave Community of Madrid Professional Associations Professions Orientation Training