portal de transparencia universidad ceu san pablo
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Corporate social responsibility

Corporate social responsibility

Academic year 2018-2019

Universidad San Pablo-CEU University is committed to Social Responsibility, supporting excellence, effort, solidarity, sustainability and all those responsible actions that facilitate the paradigm shift in today's society.

Social Responsibility is conceived as a key tool for creating value and achieving success, promoting new perspectives and experiences.


CEU Work-Life Balance Campus 2019
To promote work-life balance during the summer holidays for the children of CEU students.
Centres in Madrid, Murcia, Alicante, Elche, Moncada and Barcelona.
Renewal of EFR certification
Renewal of certification in schools
Murcia and Valencia
Family environmental volunteering days
Three days launched. All places full, postponed to September due to weather conditions.
Madrid and Alicante
2nd Edition of CEU Mejores
Approval of 100% scholarships in certain degrees of the USP for two students of CEU Mejores promotion
CEU Better - UOA and UCH
Definition of project for next launch at UOA and UCH
Barcelona and Valencia
Dialogue with stakeholders
Engagement survey
Launch, analysis and identification of the commitment of CEU people through the engagement survey. Deployment of results by centres and dialogue for analysis of demands.
People Policies
CEU Senior Project
Development of initiative to maintain contact, links and activity of retired CEU people.
Own Universal Accessibility Consultant Degree
Course set up thanks to a programme financed by the ONCE Foundation in collaboration with the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Juan XXIII Roncalli Foundation to improve the labour market integration of young people with intellectual disabilities.
EPS of Universidad San Pablo-CEU of Madrid