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Generali Chair


Director: Dra. Dª Mercedes Ruiz de Palacios Villaverde

Monitoring Committee: It will be composed by members of the USPCEU and Generali and will held meetings to approve the activities and ensure compliance with the objectives set. Its members are:

  • Vice-Rector for Teaching: Cristina Masas Dra.
  • Dean of Faculty of Economics: Ms. Carmen Calderón Dra.
  • Director of Chair: Ms. Mercedes Ruiz de Palacios Dra.
  • Two representatives appointed by Generali: Alberto Ogando - HR Director and Mr. Javier Aguirre de Carcer – Communication Director
Cátedra Generali

Santiago Villa, CEO of Generalis, and Antonio Calvo, Rector of the Universidad CEU San Pablo, at the signing of the Chair

Cátedra de Generali

Fotografía de grupo

Objectives of the chair

This Chair was born at the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences willing to work on “Diversity, Inclusion and Equal Opportunity for Employment”.

Contributing to analyse sustainable employability throughout the professional career with the vision and experience of formation of the CEU-San Pablo University and the trajectory of hiring professionals with a vast variety of profiles, nationalities, ages, etc.

We want to express our concern for education and employability to society. Promote equal opportunities in access to the company, promoting that groups with underrepresentation possess and acquire the necessary skills for the development of their professional career.


The objectives of the chair can be framed in the following:

  • Fist objective: analyse the composition of the working groups at the company, profile diversity for the variety of decisions to be made.

The composition of the working groups and their use is changing, it is needed different point of views for the decision making when it comes to providing creative and innovative solutions. There is a need for professionals trained in knowledge and capacities that have enhanced their skills so that they can develop it in the position they hold in the company in order to achieve it.

When selecting the people who will be part of a working group we must promote the existence of different profiles in terms of their training, not only sex, race, culture, etc. The training received its important because it will condition their way of seeing and facing the objective to be solved.

For different decisions to make different teams. It is clear different profiles and backgrounds address the diverse issues that we must work on in different ways with different perspectives.

Before it was unthinkable but today there are philosophers working in banking because their way of facing problems and providing solutions is evident that enriches the team.

The University must train in this sense and enhance it and companies see how they adapt their teams to this way of working.

  • Second objective: generational renewal; study how nowadays those over 45 have a hard time finding a job if they lose it or how it seems that older profiles must be relegated within the entity they work for.

Young people who enter to work in an entity need references and guidance when carrying out their daily work. A young person brings more skill and technological knowledge, but an older person brings experience.

It is needed to redirect and take advantage of what people who have experience developing projects can bring us, create different roles and contract modalities that bring sustainability to the work.

How is generational change developing in companies?

We need employees with higher analysis capacities, mechanical work is easily replaceable, the way of thinking and relating concepts to reach solutions is not.

Actions Taken during Course 19-20

First Action

Prizes of the Contest Municipal Housing Authority (MHA):

Ways of inhabiting public housing for the MHA (March 2019)

The actual conditions of our society imposed the necessity of creating of new typologies of more flexible housing that are adapted to the diverse reality and collect the new familiar models of our time. In this line, the MHA has carried out the contest Nuevos modos de habitar, vivienda pública’ (New ways of inhabiting, public housing). An initiative sponsored by Generali in which the students of Architecture of the CEU San Pablo University have participated.

The student Carlota Santos has received the first prize from hands of Alberto Ogando - Director of Human Resources of Generali – thanks to her project “Anémona Amarilla” (Yellow Anemone) in which has been valued the ability to facilitate access to decent housing for the citizens of Madrid, with special sensitivity to situations of greater vulnerability such as women victims of domestic violence. It has been valued the urban ecology as well through implementation of environmental, social and architectural aspects.

The goal of this contest is to generate a diversified built area and non-segregated that in a first stage of social care that allows to collectively house the victims in a community residence with capacity for about 50 residents. For a second stage of care, the provision of 60 sheltered homes of 1 and 2 bedrooms, as well as collective spaces for social relations and workshops for psychological support and labour integration.

Second Action


Lecture given by Josef Ajram and Enhamed.

The event began with the presentation of the Chair by the Director of the same M. Mercedes Ruiz de Palacios accompanied by Javier Aguirre de Carcer Director of Communication of Generali.

After this presentation the first speaker, Josef Ajram intervened talking to the students about effort, how to use time in their lives, how to create their personal brand, how to have no limits to face the challenges that life puts in front of them and how they must be trained to face the changes of the future.

Once this part was finished, they proposed with Enhamed a dialogue between the two about how Enhamed faces his life, his goals and the ability that both have had to adapt to their circumstances and reinvent themselves when necessary.

Nowadays in the society we live in, we must know how to differentiate ourselves and have a personal brand. Knowledge is important, but a much higher valuation is given than a few years ago to transversal competences and skills, which can be applied in any type of job and environment.

The ability to communicate, analyse, teamwork, initiative, reaction capacity and problem solving etc. are already "basic" that are sought in any candidate who passes a selection process.

The people composing the working groups shall have different degrees, if they have all studied the same their way of reasoning and facing the solution of the proposed consultation will be very similar, it is necessary to look for creative, innovative and above all different approaches and solutions.

A few years ago, a history graduate practically his job opportunity was to teach in a school or institute or work in a museum. Now it will depend on the skills of the candidate, but you can also consider working in advertising companies, Marketing, banks etc ... We must not set limits on ourselves.

The two speakers are examples of diversity, of continuously reinventing themselves and facing challenges.  Our students must look forward in this way.

We do not know most of the future professions, but we need to be prepared to jump in (on the bandwagon?)  and do it well when the time comes. For this, the training must be continuous, and the competences and skills must be developed because they will be the basis of any work we have. We should not focus on our limitations but on our capabilities. Positive attitude and resilience. Resistance to frustration, thinking about a goal and fighting for it.

In this way they could face anything in the changing world that we live in.

The value of the different.

We will open a question time for the students to finish

  • Campus Moncloa
  • Javier Aguirre de Cárcer, Director de Comunicación de Generali
    Javier Aguirre de Carder, director de Comunicación de Generali
  • Josef Ajram
    Josef Ajram
  • Coloquio con Josef Ajram
    Coloquio con Josef Ajram
  • Fotografía de grupo
    Fotografía de grupo
  • Mercedes Ruiz de Palacios, directora de la Cátedra
    Mercedes Ruiz de Palacios, directora de la Cátedra
  • Josef Ajram presentación
    Josef Ajram presentación
  • Enhamed Enhamed
    Enhamed Enhamed
  • Charla con Josef Ajram
    Charla con Josef Ajram

Third Action

To help girls' school in Sierra Leone for a physics and chemistry laboratory.

SOLIDARITY PROJECT: “A science laboratory. The superfluous necessary”

We want to reform, adapt and equip a chemistry laboratory at the Our Lady of Guadalupe School in Lunsar, Sierra Leone.

Proyecto en Sierra Leona
Proyecto en Sierra Leona

Fourth Action



Dra. Dª Mercedes Ruiz De Palacios Villaverde

Julián Romea, 23 28003 Madrid (España) Tel: (+34) 91 5140117 Ext. 15117