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CEU San Pablo – Deloitte International Chair in Generative AI is launched

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International interdisciplinary experts participated in the presentation of the International ENIA Chair in Responsible Generative AI, framed within the National Strategy for AI (ENIA) of the Government of Spain. During the event, held at Universidad CEU San Pablo, the innovative lines of work of the Chair were presented through three round tables where the opportunities and risks of Generative AI were discussed. Additionally, the Chair's team presented their 'Experimental Development' focused on developing a suite for the explainability and interpretability of Generative AI, through which the concepts learned by content generation systems can be monitored. Moreover, they unveiled their ambitious dissemination plan with two distinct approaches: dissemination actions for the general public and dissemination of scientific knowledge.

In the words of the Rector of Universidad CEU San Pablo, Rosa Visiedo, “this Chair should aid in teaching and dissemination, to educate our students and society, respectively, on how to use Artificial Intelligence responsibly and ethically.” During the Chair's presentation, its director Idoia Salazar and the director of the Digital Enterprise Show Congress, Alezeya Sánchez, pointed out that “it is imperative for all sectors to adapt to the democratisation of Generative AI.” Sánchez noted that the great challenge for companies and institutions with the advent of AI is “understanding where to start, as any AI project affects all industries and company technologies transversally.” In this regard, Salazar emphasised, “if we work in an interdisciplinary, inter-faculty, inter-university manner, with university-company collaboration, we will achieve good results in research.

For his part, Manel Carpio, partner in Cybersecurity and head of Artificial Intelligence risks at Deloitte, said, “we are excited to collaborate with CEU San Pablo on this international chair on Ethics in Generative Artificial Intelligence. We believe that society needs a significant boost in fostering capabilities in companies, professionals, and students, and that it is necessary to promote responsible innovation that helps organisations develop while safeguarding the fundamental rights of citizens.” 

The International ENIA Chair in Responsible Generative AI has active collaboration agreements with the Observatory of Social and Ethical Impact of Artificial Intelligence (OdiseIA), HUMAN TRENDS, Narrativa, Women in a Legal World, Digitales, Microsoft Ibérica, Cenit, Audits Consulting Management S.L. (ACM), the Applied Ethics Institute of Loyola Andalucía University, the Legal Profession Mutual Society: AI Ethics Committee (CEIA) and the Civil Guard. Internationally: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), IALAB-UBA: University of Buenos Aires, Global AI Ethics Institute (France), Austral University: OCEDIC Innovation LAB (Argentina).

It also has an interdisciplinary advisory committee of recognised prestige, composed of professionals directly related to the Chair's focus, such as the head of Bioethics and Ethics of Science and Technology at UNESCO, Dafna Feinholz, and the member of the European Commission's High-Level Expert Group on AI (HLEG AI), Leva Martinkenaite, among others.

The International Chair, 'Generative AI: Challenges and Risks’ of Universidad CEU San Pablo and Deloitte, the only private university that has obtained a chair within the National Strategy for AI (ENIA) of the Government of Spain, has a markedly interdisciplinary character and will be directed by Idoia Salazar, professor at CEU USP and specialist in AI Ethics and Regulation. Through this Chair, thorough and realistic research will be conducted on the challenges and risks of Generative AI. Specific use cases will be analysed, and plausible short-medium term predictions will be worked on to prevent negative or undesirable impacts. The research lines to be developed are the Ethical Impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence, the legal issues (responsible use of AI) derived from the application and use of Generative AI, and the impact on society of Generative Artificial Intelligence.

Palabras clave Generative IA Chair Deloitte Artificial Intelligence