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Meeting of EU.ACE universities | CEU San Pablo

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During the 11th and 12th of December, rectors from 10 universities from all over Europe met in Brussels to formalize the creation of the EU.ACE Consortium Alliance of Universities. The purpose of this meeting was the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and the preparation of the proposal for the 2024 call of the European Universities Program, funded by the European Commission.

In this context, CEU San Pablo and CEU Cardenal Herrera universities have joined 9 other European educational institutions -Austria, France, Hungary, Germany, Romania, Italy, Switzerland, Finland and the Netherlands-, to form the European University for Academic Continuing Education (EU.ACE) consortium. The main objective of this alliance is to integrate and enhance Academic Continuing Education at all levels and disciplines, with the vision of creating a unique European University model for continuing education, research, and the shaping of the environment in the 21st century.

The model proposed by EU.ACE is positioned as a reference in the European Higher Education Area, addressing social challenges, including vulnerable groups, and improving employability and adaptability to future jobs. The partnership is distinguished by its focus on long-term strategic collaboration, inter-institutional agreements for student and staff mobility, as well as project development, which facilitate dialogue between academics and international experts on the future of continuing academic education.

CEU brings its experience as part of the largest private educational group in Spain, noted for its focus on education in all phases of life. The decision to join this European consortium of universities is based on CEU's experience in strategic alliances, its comprehensive offer of continuing education and its contribution to learning at all levels.

In sum, the consortium consists of the University of Continuing Education Krems (Universität für Weiterbildung Krems), Austria; the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts (Conservatoire national des arts et métiers), France; the Andrássy University of Budapest (Andrássy Universität Budapest), Hungary; the University of Ulm (Universität Ulm), Germany; the University of Alba Iulia (Universitatea din Alba Iulia), Romania; Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore), Italy; Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Hochschule Luzern), Switzerland; Turku University of Applied Sciences (Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu), Finland; Utrecht University of Applied Sciences (Hogeschool Utrecht), The Netherlands; and finally, Fundación Universitario San Pablo CEU (USP and UCH).

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