portal de transparencia universidad ceu san pablo
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Universidad CEU San Pablo is a private University, recognised by Law 8/1993 and created by Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU, a work of the Catholic Association of Propagandists (ACdP).

The legal framework that made the University possible is constituted by article 27.6 of the Spanish Constitution, which is specified in the University Reform Law of 1983 (BOE, of 1 September 1983), in its eighth title, articles 57 to 59, and in Royal Decree 557, of 25 August 1991 (BOE, of 20 April 1991), which establishes a set of minimum demands and requirements for the creation and recognition of new Universities.

Once the legal framework enabling private universities was completed, the Board of Trustees of Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU presented the report requesting recognition of the University to the Ministry of Education and Science.

Once the report of the Universities Council was passed, the Spanish Parliament approved the recognition of Universidad CEU San Pablo by means of a law published in the BOE (Official State Gazette), of 20 April 1993.

The BOE, of 8 February 1994, published Royal Decree 149/1994, of 4 February 1994, authorising the start-up of Universidad CEU San Pablo and its teaching, as well as the homologation of the degrees offered and the approval of the corresponding syllabuses listed in the appendix to the Royal Decree.

On 22February 1994, Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain officially inaugurated Universidad CEU San Pablo


Our ideology is based on Christian revelation and tradition, on the teaching of the Catholic Church, on the ideology of the Catholic Association of Propagandists and on the experience of more than eighty years dedicated to higher education by Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU.

We start from a conception of humans as free beings, capable of making their own history, oriented towards transcendence and questioned by the ultimate questions about the origin and purpose of their existence.

Jesus Christ is at the centre of human beings. In his person and teachings we find the model of individual and community existence and the guideline for reviewing the Christian authenticity of criteria and conduct.

Universidad CEU San Pablo is a participative academic community which, based on Christian humanism, aims to contribute to the development and protection of individuals and to satisfy their social needs.

It is especially committed to contributing to the transformation of Spanish society in order to place it at the service of all people, preferably those most in need.


Universidad CEU San Pablo has as its objective the search for truth. To this end, it will maintain, together with a demanding self-criticism, a permanent constructive spirit and will ensure the necessary congruence in its research programmes.

In its research methods and systems, the University attaches particular importance to the integration of knowledge, to the dialogue between faith and reason, and to the ethical implications of new scientific approaches and discoveries. In the research programmes, particular importance will be given to the study of new teaching methods and techniques, and of systems for improving the quality of the University's own research and teaching processes.

Universidad CEU San Pablo places its critical spirit, its knowledge and its research capacity at the disposal of public bodies, companies and social organisations. It aims to establish relations of cooperation and exchange with Universities and scientific and cultural institutions, both public and private, without limitations of borders or beliefs


Universidad CEU San Pablo is committed to providing its students with an integral human formation of Christian inspiration, encouraging them to devote themselves to the construction of a more just and fraternal society. It will proceed with the deepest respect for the freedom of conscience of individuals, both inside and outside its university environment.

The teaching programmes of Universidad CEU San Pablo include the indispensable professional preparation in its broadest context, with special emphasis on ethical, cultural, aesthetic and social aspects. Rather than merely transferring knowledge, its programmes aim to develop the ability to identify, pose and solve problems, with a critical spirit and the capacity to discern different options.

The University will facilitate the training of students for individual study, stimulating active and creative participation in their own training, supported by intensive personal tutoring.

Universidad CEU San Pablo is obliged to anticipate changes in the social demand for professionals or in their training, so that the necessary adaptation of programmes and degrees is carried out with fidelity to the new demands.

Postgraduate programmes in various scientific, professional and technical areas stand out in the third cycle studies, facilitating the specialisation of its students and the recycling of its graduates and other professionals.

The University is open to all those who possess sufficient ability and, to the extent of its possibilities, will provide financial aid to those who need it.


One of the best testimonies that Universidad CEU San Pablo can give of its Christian identity is the continuous process of improving the quality of its services, understood as the degree to which the University satisfies the legitimate expectations of society.

It will especially maintain a scientific, interdisciplinary and high quality level, and will encourage the training and recycling of its own teaching staff, so as to ensure an outstanding didactic level.


Universidad CEU San Pablo has full autonomy to define its objectives and priorities and recognises the academic freedom of its members, teachers and researchers, in the exercise of the duties of their competence, in accordance with scientific principles and methods and within the demands of truth, ethics, the common good and the general principles of this Declaration of Principles.