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Logo Universidad CEU San Pablo

13th International Conference of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management

May 22, 23 and 24, 2025 - Madrid, Spain

Doctoral Consortium

The Doctoral Consortium will consist of a series of small group workshops that will allow students to interact and have detailed inputs about your projects from experienced faculty. The workshops will cover both the theoretical aspects of your research, its research method, expected contribution.

The submitted paper will be the basis for detailed discussions at the Consortium. To get the most out of the discussion, it needs to include:

  • Motivation for the proposed research.
  • Background Knowledge/literature review (including key references).
  • Research purpose, including main research questions.
  • Research method.
  • Specific research issues for discussion at the Doctoral Consortium.
  • For formal criterio, follow the instructions for developmental papers. More information here
  • Doctoral Consortium submissions must be in PDF format and submitted via
  • Easychair IAoMAD25 conference site (select Doctoral Consortium). 
  • Submissions will be reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee


Ruth Mateos de Cabo

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