IBP Boston
Logo Universidad CEU San Pablo
Programa CEU-Boston University | International Business Certificate


Alumnos de Boston University

"My experience in the CEU-BU program has been nothing but great. Thanks to it I've been able to not only be successful in my academic and professional life, but has allowed me to personally grow immensely due to the international exposure the program brings.

Boston is one of the most international cities in the world, and being in the US gave us the opportunity to understand and live a different way of life, very different from the one in Spain. Plus, the program also allows students to have another international mobility, in my case London, which further reinforces the international baggage we carry.

If I can give you some advice, it is to certainly enroll in the CEU-BU program, which will make your university years an unforgettable experience. On the plus side, companies love a good Bostonian".

"Spending a semester at Boston was one of the most enriching experiences I have ever had in my life. You are able to live an American college experience at a whole other level and discover the beautiful city of Boston full of joy and amazing people. For sure, it exceeded my expectations in every possible way and I will definitely recommend this program to everyone seeking a striking adventure".

"L'expérience a largement dépassé mes attentes. Vous avez la possibilité d'apprendre dans un système éducatif totalement différent, avec d'excellents professeurs qui ont travaillé ou travaillent dans des entreprises importantes et savent parfaitement transmettre leurs connaissances et leurs expériences.

Personnellement, cela vous aide à grandir, à mûrir et à rencontrer des personnes extraordinaires du monde entier. Sans aucun doute, c'est une expérience que je répéterais mille fois".

"BU-CEU program is one of the best decisions I've ever made. I´ve enjoyed taken some classes in English at CEU the first years of my degree. The best part of it is, of course, the mobility to Boston University. It was an amazing experience where I got to learn a lot about the American culture and I got to grow in an academic and personal level.

We had great teachers and very interesting courses and we were completely immersed in the University life. Living and studying there was a very enjoyable experience and I would recommend it to everyone!".

"My semester in Boston has been one of the most nourishing and enriching experiences I have had so far during my University studies; being able to grow, mature and acquire new visions and perspectives about cultural diversity and global business.

The courses were challenging, offering knowledge about international business management, strategies and marketing techniques that in a near future will be a powerful tool for our professional life.

Overall, Boston has given me long lasting friendships, the possibility of belonging to Boston University's alumni and associations and feeling part of the BU community".

"From my first year of College I was expectantly awaiting my one year mobility to Boston University, and it did not disappoint: top notch professors, international classes, hand-picked courses, amazing installations, varsity sports, dorms and dining halls.

Just like I had imagined! That not including the 5 feet of snow we got during the winter, but all the more magical due to it. All in all, my stay in Boston was an exciting adventure that I will always remember and treasure, due to all the things I’ve learned and all the people I’ve met".

"Pourquoi aurais-je redoublé mon semestre à Boston ? Parce que je suis revenue avec tellement plus que ce que j'avais emporté avec moi. Parce que vous apprenez d'un système éducatif différent, parce que vous voyez comment un cours peut être enseigné de plusieurs manières différentes, parce que BU offre plus que ce que vous pouvez assimiler et parce qu'il y a beaucoup plus qu'une simple formation académique.

Parce que vous revenez avec des amis de différentes parties du monde, parce qu'avec eux et avec ceux que vous aviez déjà, vous voyagez et visitez de nouvelles villes, ou vous marchez dans les rues de "The Walking City" encore et encore. Je répète parce que, même si on vous en parle beaucoup, si vous n'allez pas à Boston, vous ne la vivez pas.

"This semester at BU has been an amazing and unforgettable experience. You get to know people from all over the world, attend classes with such a different perspective that you open up your mind and learn to see the world from other points of view.

These months seem to be a lot from the beginning, but they are not. BU has so many interesting events and activities to offer, and Boston has a lot of things to do. It also allows you to travel around easily. Take advantage of them and you will feel that days are too short and four months not enough!".

"Le programme BU-CEU a été une expérience inoubliable tant sur le plan académique que personnel. Tout cela est dû au haut niveau de préparation et de coordination qui démontre l'effort des deux universités pour faire de ce programme la meilleure expérience internationale possible pour un étudiant universitaire".

Professeurs de Boston University

"These are the kind of students we like in our classrooms because the way that Boston University structures their classes, it's not a one-way lecture. We like to interact with students".

"Getting onto the CEU-BU Program is extremely competitive... They're extremely motivated... These students have an exceptional opportunity to get great jobs".